NSFK events armband rare, £225.00
RLB Leaders armband bevo type, £225.00
Party arm band with RZM Label, £210.00
HJ Bevo armband mint condition, £235.00
TOP Early wire Full lengthTorpedo school cap tally, £85.00
CENTER Ship artillery school cap tallyearly flat wire full length, £65.00
BOTTOM Early Flat wire full length cap tally, £65.00
Party armband with bevo swastika disc no moth damage, £180.00
Single early panzer collar patch, £300.00
LEFT cut off a tunic artillery gun layers sleeve badge , £70.00
RIGHT BeVo gunlayers badge unissued , £60.00
LEFT Early Gebirgsjager sleeve patch, £45.00
Center Early Gebirgsjager sleeve patch , £40.00
RIGHT late war Gebirgsjager sleeve patch on field grey, £40.00
Left Early BeVo Gebirgsjager sleeve patch, £55.00
RIGHT Army Gebirgsjager Bevo sleeve patch, £45.00
LEFT Jager sleeve badge, £50.00
RIGHT Artillery gun layer, £40.00
Cut off panzer sleeve cuff, £110.00
TOP LEFT pre war reserve officers cap wreath , £85.00
TOP RIGHT Army officers cap wreath, £45.00
MIDDLE PHOTO early cap cockades X2, £40.00
BOTTOM mid/latewar cap cockades X 2, £40.00
LEFT Pilots badge nice condition, £140.00
MIDDLE Air gunner radio op, £130.00
RIGHT paratroopers badge , £120.00
Infantry NCOs cut off collar, £120.00
LEFT Police officers arm eagle, £185.00
RIGHT Police officers summer tunic arm eagle RARE, £225.00
LEFT private purchase assault engineers badge , £130.00
CENTER Issue assault engineers badge , £80.00
RIGHT issue assault engineers badge, £95.00
LEFT Police arm eagle mint condition, £80.00
RIGHT Summer isue arm eagle mint hard to find, £85.00
TOP Railway service arm eagle, £55.00
BOTTOM Kriegsmarine bevo breast eagle, £65.00
TOP Kriegsmarine breast eagle delux quality private purchase, £50.00
BOTTOM Tunic removed coastal artillery breast eagle, £55.00
TOP Army generals/Coastal art celleon breast eagle on green backing, £450.00
BOTTOM Kriegsmarine early gold wire breast eagle SOLD, £0.00
TOP Kriegsmarine officers celleon breast eagle, £110.00
BOTTOM Early army officers wire breast eagle, £80.00
Political sports top eagle, £80.00
Center cut from a Luftwaffe car pennant single side, £110.00
RIGHT >>>>>>SOLD, £0.00
LEFT waffen SS SIGNALS ARM BADGE , £120.00
RIGHT NSKK drivers arm badge , £45.00